Hello Tuesday 🌈

Morning Goegeous Ladies .... how did u sleep ?.... well I am delighted to report my sleep is getting better . The sciatica treatment worked wonders and I do believe a late gym session along with no coffee defo helped , still woke up but only 1 time 👏🔥✨💕💦... back on the lemon water this morning 😬✅ let's hope the headaches stay away today but I can honestly say I feel calmer and the anxiety is not with me today... memory is still pants and still clumsy but we can work on that hopefully . I was listening last month to a radio show BBC London I think and women were calling up sharing their meno horror stories .. a lady a surgeon turned up at the wrong theatre to perform the wrong operation !.. the mental side of menopause is hardly ever spoken about although back in the day women were sectioned as mad 😡!.. and women died from the symptoms .. so please tell me why oh why is this ' condition ' not out there along with prostate cancer and dementia !.. nothing advertised , No one knows where to go or what to buy unless they google or contact friends ... it's not what we deserve I know that for sure 🎀


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