Happy Friday gorgeous girls .....

Good mornings gorgeous Ladies
1 h r t tablet taken and it might be in my mind but the sweating was not as severe ... BUT I have still woken like every day with a banging headache... not been drinking coffe so is it a detox thing .. let's c after the weekend t g I f ... defo have more energy now since ditching the coffee.. get the night sweats sorted and I can then face anything that comes at me I won't mind so much the ringing in me ears , sensitive bladder... my glass is always half full , although I am off alcohol until Xmas ... funny I was talking to lady in petrol station about meno (I lost something and told her it was a meno brain ) and she didn't hold back telling me her symptoms , she can't drink prosecco and red wine gives her a hot flush ... all down to meno she said , she didn't look tired and her hair was bouncy so I began to think was it more an allergy , but I just listened did the meno shrug ' what do u do ' speech and left ( with a free air freshener ).... a day at the office today , after a gym session , let's c what the day holds, adrenals calm again feeling positive .... let's go be amazing ! Don't waste the day as you can't get it back 🎀


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